



P. V. Sathya Mohan


F5 Pushpanilayam 12-5-188, Vijaypuri South Lalaguda

City – zip:

Secunderabad - 500017





(91)040- 27002568


TV Producer/Director-Cameraman Countrywide Educational Television Network, University Grants Commission India, Worked for more than 600 TV films as Cameraman in 20 years\r\n


M.A Social Anthropology S.V. University India 1988.<br>\r\nB.A History & Archaeology Osmania University India 1985. <br>\r\nDIPLOMA IN PHOTOGRAPHY JNT University India 1982.\r\n\r\n


<LI>Won <B><I>Golden Nandi Award</I> </B><I>(First Best Documentary \r\n        Film)</I> of the government of AP India 2003 \r\n        <LI>Won <B><I>Special Mention Award </I></B>in the Mumbai International \r\n        Film Festival for <I>\"depicting an ancient</I> <I>Indian tribe in a \r\n        sensitive manner\"</I> 2004 \r\n        <LI>Won the <B><I>National Award</B></I> in the first UGC – Educational \r\n        TV Festival for the best production of an ethnographic film on <I>\"The \r\n        Koyas\"</I> a peasant tribe in Andhra Pradesh India 1988 \r\n        <LI>Was awarded the <B><I>Certificate of Merit</B></I> by the Federation \r\n        of Indian Photography 1983 \r\n        <LI>Was awarded the<B> <I>Gold Medal</I> </B>by the Jawaharlal Nehru \r\n        Technological University<B> </B>for<B> </B>an outstanding academic<B> \r\n        </B>achievement in <I>Photography </I><B></B>1982</LI>


<P align=justify></P><I><U>\r\n      <P align=justify>FESTIVALS, CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS</P>\r\n      <UL></B></I></U>\r\n        <LI>Participated in the <I>8<SUP>th</I></SUP> <I>International \r\n        Documentary Film Festival</I> <I>Jihlava Czech Republic </I>2004 \r\n        <LI>Participated in the <I>18<SUP>th</SUP> Parnu (Estonia)</I> \r\n        <I>International Documentary/Anthropology Film Festival</I> 2004 \r\n        <LI>Participated in the <I>International Video Festival on Science, \r\n        Society and Development</I> held at Thiruvananthapuram Kerala India 1995 \r\n\r\n        <LI>Awarded <B><I>Commonwealth Travel Grant</B></I> to participate as an \r\n        <B><I>Overseas Guest</B></I> in the Second <I>International Film \r\n        Festival, Conference and Workshop</I> on <B><I>\"Ethnographic \r\n        Film\"</B></I> in Manchester UK sponsored by the Royal Anthropological \r\n        Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1990 \r\n        <LI>Participated in the Indo-American <B><I>Educational \r\n        Television</B></I> production workshop at Educational Media Research \r\n        Centre Hyderabad India 1988 \r\n        <LI>Participated in the International conference on <B><I>Visual \r\n        Anthropology</B></I> held at Jodhpur India 1987 \r\n        <LI>Participated in the Indo-British <B><I>Educational \r\n        Television</B></I> production workshop at Educational Media Research \r\n        Centre Ahmedabad India 1986\r\n        <P></P></LI></UL><B><U>\r\n      <P align=justify></P><I>\r\n      <P align=justify>PUBLICATIONS AND ETHNOGRAPHY</P>\r\n      <UL></B></I></U>\r\n        <LI>Hosted <B><I>ethnophotographic</I> </B>web features on <I>the \r\n        Chenchus, the Samanthas and the Koyas</I> in the website </FONT><A \r\n        href=\"\"><B><FONT face=Verdana \r\n        size=1></B></FONT></A><B><FONT face=Verdana \r\n        size=1> </B>2003 <B><I>\r\n        <LI>\"KOYA\"</B></I> a peasant tribe in Andhra Pradesh, India, an \r\n        <B><I>ethnographic abstract</B></I> in <B>\"An Encyclopedic \r\n        <LI>Profile of Indian Tribes\"</B> New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House \r\n        1995 \r\n        <LI>Produced an ethnographic monograph called <B><I>\"Landscape and \r\n        Life\"</I> </B><I>Cultural Ecology of the Koyas</I> in Bhadrachalam \r\n        Agency Andhra Pradesh India, based on the fieldresearch done as part of \r\n        coursework in Social Anthropology at Sri Venkateshwara University \r\n        Tirupati India 1988</LI></UL>\r\n      <P align=justify></P><B><I><U>\r\n      <P align=justify>FILMOGRAPHY</P>\r\n      <UL></I></U>\r\n        <LI>In Search of Ethnic Dimension</B> <B><I>THE KOYAS</I> </B>(In two \r\n        parts)<B> </B>1988 <B><I>\r\n        <LI>THE SAMANTHAS</I> </B><I>an anthropo vision</I> 1994 <B><I>\r\n        <LI>ARCHIVE</I> </B><I>a source for the past</I> 1995 <B><I>\r\n        <LI>CHENCHUS</I> </B><I>Children of the Forest</I> <I>an ethnic \r\n        vision</I> 2003 <B><I>\r\n        <LI>TRIBAL DISPLACEMENT</I> </B><I>an anthropo vision</I> 2004</LI></UL>\r\n      <P align=justify></P><B><I><U>\r\n      <P align=justify>SPECIAL SKILLS</P>\r\n      <UL></B></U>\r\n        <LI>Electronic Cinematography \r\n        <LI>TV Production / Direction / Editing \r\n        <LI>Pictorial Photography \r\n        <LI>Ethnographic Fieldresearch \r\n        <LI>Documentary Film \r\n        <LI>Visual Anthropology</LI></UL></I></FONT></FONT>




ISSN: 2249 3433


The word tribe is variously used in literature to denote a community on the basis of homogeneity. Originally many autochthonous communities who were identified by similar culture, social organisation and governance, living away from the main stream life of a country, were mentioned as tribe by their colonial rulers and Western scholars. Many such communities have moved towards the mainstream lifestyle so that they may no longer be identified as secluded, underdeveloped people with queer customs. This has happened to all areas of the world where tribal communities live. Still, many tribal communities lead their lives in very primitive ways devoid of the techno-economic glamour of contemporary civilization. These communities are labeled as "Primitive Tribal Groups". Indian Government has identified such tribal groups to give special attention to their development, whereas in the Indian Constitution all the tribal groups are recognized as "scheduled tribes".


Issues in Vol - 2

No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 7
No. 8
No. 9
No. 10
No. 11
No. 12